Our Rules

  • For security reasons Vehicle registration(s) must be submitted when booking.
  • Gates must be locked once you enter the woods secure area and then re-locked again on your exit, this is for your own and your dogs safety & security.
  • Please do not leave the gates open to allow the next person to enter……let them unlock the gates for themselves. Responsible users will appreciate the need for this rule.
  • Please do report to us any instances you notice of fly-tippers. This is an all to common event along wickwater lane.
  • After your session please endeavour to vacate the site on time. Should you encounter an emergency situation then please call us on 07743596899 for help / assistance.
  • If someone is in the woods when you arrive, DO NOT enter the woods, please call us on 07743596899 and we will rectify the situation.
  • We recommend you stay within sight of your Dog at all times. Especially if your dogs are known to be high jumpers or tunnellers. 
  • Please do not tie dogs to trees, fences, gates, posts, rails or other objects.
  • Please do not allow dogs to dig along the fence line or damage any of the natural insect, rodent & amphibian habitats found on site.
  • Please do not allow young children & teenagers to climb trees, or climb on or over our fences & gates.
  • Please do not remove any flora or fauna you find on site, and please take care not to damage bushes, plants, trees and flowers.
  • Please do not leave behind any plant or animal materials. 
  • Please make sure the woodland and surrounding areas are free of rubbish and as you found it before you leave, this includes any dog fur
  • Please do clean up after your Dog and use the waste bags and bins on site for waste disposal
  • There is a water butt and a watering can on site should a dogs (soft) fouling need to be cleaned or rinsed away.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure your dog(s) are in good health and up to date regarding injections etc. Random checks will be made.
  • Be aware that very small puppies or dogs may be able to squeeze through gate or fence gaps
  • We know some dogs have special diets, so please do not leave any of your Dogs food or Dog toys on site.
  • As we are a woodland this is a STRICT No Smoking, No BBQ’s no Naked Flames area. You will be banned from future visits if you break this rule.
  • Please keep your speed down when driving on Wickwater Lane, we suggest 20mph. The lane is narrow and single track and is frequently used by Pedestrians, Cyclists, Walkers, Horse riders, Tractors & Cars.
  • Please do not park on Wickwater Lane grass verges or leave vehicles obstructing any nearby farm or garden gateway

Our Terms & Conditions

  • Wickwaterwoods.co.uk is a Privately Owned & Run Secure Dog Adventure area
  • By Booking and paying for a session at Wickwater Woods you automatically accept and agree to ALL our stated Terms, Conditions & Rules.
  • Unfortunately we cannot Acccept Certificate of Exemption dog breeds
    at the moment
  • We regret we are no longer able to offer or process Booking cancellation refund requests For ANY Reason.
  • For security reasons Vehicle registration(s) and Phone number(s) MUST be submitted when booking.
  • Your payment can be made using Credit or Debit Cards after your selection of Service, Date & Time has been made.
  • Our customers have exclusive use of the woodland venue for the duration of their booking hire. 
  • Every effort is taken to ensure that both you and your dog(s) can safely use the facility.
  • You fully accept that as a natural out door facility unforeseen events, or situations beyond our control may happen. 
  • Access to the the woods is at your own risk and via securely locked gates that require an entry code.
  • TheAlpha NumericGate Security Code is periodically changed. You will be shown the current Gate Code on your device Screen when booking. Write this code down. We will Call you 24 hours in advance if a code change affects your booking date / time.
  • You will be informed of the gate security code on your device screen after a successful booking is completed, please make a note of this number.
  • You are absolutely forbidden from sharing the gate security codes with anyone else.
  • We welcome persons with disabilities on the understanding that no special access provisions or facilities are currently available to them.
  • The site does NOT HAVE running water & Toilet facilities.
  • Please be respectful towards our neighbours and avoid leaving rubbish or making unnecessary noise or nuisance.
  • You are very welcome to video record or photograph your visit and broadcast on Social Media sites.
  • For health, safety and hygiene reasons the consumption of alcohol and using the site as a picnic area is prohibited.
  • No firearms, air guns, archery equipment or catapults are allowed on site.
  • It is possible Wickwater Woods staff may need to be on site during your booking period. Please ensure they are not disturbed by your dogs, children etc
  • Children Under the age of 16 MUST be accompanied by an Adult at all times.
  • You shall not remove anything from the site or leave anything behind when you exit the woods.
  • Weather conditions and events outside of our control may require us to close the facility at short notice….ie Thunder storms or Flooding. In such cases you will be refunded in full.
  • FAQ’s, Feedback & Contact Us Forms are available on the website.
  • Other Important Terms TBA
  • Governing Law & Local Authority Regulations TBA