How do I make a Booking
Visit the Booking page – Click the Select a Service window.
Click Select the Service you want, eg book for example 1 Car & upto 3 Dogs
- Click – Book Appointment on or after
- From the Calendar choose your Day.
- Click the Available time slot you wish to book on that Day. (if non are available choose a different day)
- Fill in the Booking Form (All fields must be completed) and then Click to pay
- Payment will be taken via Stripe…..which accepts Visa & Mastercard, Debit/Credit cards.
- Once Stripe has accepted your Card and taken your payment you will be directed to “The Gate Security Code Page”. Write this Code Number down.
- Stripe will send you an invoice with basic booking details.
- Enjoy the Woods
The Calendar and/or Booking form doesn’t seem to be working correctly on my (Phone, Tablet, Computer).
You may get Calendar or booking screen issues if you are using older devices or niche browsers.
Try viewing in Landscape not Portrait screen mode.
Your device and/or your web browser should be using the latest browser / OS security updates.
Using Chrome / Firefox and Safari are good options to try if you have browser viewing problems.
Cleaning your browser cache and/or re-booting your device, can help solve any out of date page and browser stored “files” issues you may have.
Can I book Multiple Slots as one Booking payment.
No Sorry you can’t, Each 1 Hour Time Slot must be booked individually.
Can more than one Customer book the Exact SAME time Slot.
No, once a customer books a particular Time Slot and Stripe has issued the payment receipt the Time Slot is closed.
However In the event of a Stripe payment refusal, the Booking Time Slot remains open to others until a successful payment is made.
Only a successful Stripe payment closes a Time Slot Window.
Are the woods for the exclusive use of me and my dog(s) for the Time Slots I have booked
The woods are for the exclusive use of the Customer who made the particular time slot booking(s).
How, Where, & When do I get the Gate Security Code.
Upon completion of a successful booking the Gate Security Code Page will be visible to you. Write the number down.
Can I add or reduce the number of Cars or Dogs on a booking slot I already have, or on a new booking slot I wish to make.
You will need to phone us to discuss any special requirements.
If I arrive early where can I park and wait.
Wickwater lane is very narrow and there are no roadside parking spaces near the woods entry gate.
The “Waterside Cafe & Bar” is located at the start of Wickwater Lane and is 3 minutes from the woods entry gate. The Cafe is also located on the widest part of the lane.
We suggest customers arriving more than 5 minutes before their booking time wait on the roadside outside the Cafe car park. (The Cafe car park is for customers only)
There is enough room on the roadside for several cars to park, but please take care not to block or obstruct the Cafe or the Fishing club gateways.
What do I do if someone is in the woods when I arrive.
First: check your appointment date / time…….as we have noted an increase in the number of customers getting their days / times wrong.
Second: do not enter, wait a few minutes and see if they leave.
Third: call one of our support telephone numbers for assistance if the woods are still occupied after your appointment time has officially started.
If my vehicle fails to start or breaks down what should I do.
Firstly, call one of our support phone numbers for assistance.
If you have Roadside assistance Breakdown cover call them to visit (GL7 5RL) Wickwater Lane, or use our “What 3 Words” location which is ///genius.
Inform any waiting customer of your problem and the actions you have taken.
If you feel it is safe to do so, then allow the next customer to park and start their session. Otherwise keep the gate locked, stay by your car and wait for assistance.
If I can’t find my dog or it won’t return to me and keeps running away into the woods what should I do.
Dogs just love to be free and go exploring, they will often completely ignore you, especially the first few times they are off lead in the woods.
Don’t leave it to the very last minute of your session to catch and re-leash your dog…..even if they are normally well behaved.
Try being calm voiced when calling them, wait a while for them to tire, offer them a few treats while walking slowly towards them…..or try moving away from them and towards your car.
Try not to chase after the dog waving a leash and yelling at them in a serious get-back-here-right-now type voice…..this can make the situation worse.
Dogs who persistently adopt the “won’t return” behaviour should be long leashed while in the woods. Do this for a few visits until they learn to calm down and obey commands.
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Wickwater Woods - By The Moonraker